I began my artistic career at the age of 3 when my parents hung the first of many prized creations from my refrigerator art series. My artistic journey has taken me from finger paints to design and art school — instilling a life-long passion and appreciation for drawing, designing and creative thinking. With over 25 years of creative career experience, I am able to contribute at many levels of responsibility and performance.
Today, I work for a variety of clients in the capacity of art director, designer and illustrator—with a focus on presentation design and data visualization. I like a challenge, and pushing the limits of presentation design and data visualization are challenges I enjoy.
Presentation Design
My clients jokingly call me “The PowerPoint®/Keynote® Whisperer”. Really, I’m serious. Over the course of a year, I work on an average of 80+ presentations. My aim on this site is to show a representation of my design work. I have designed presentations for major brands like McDonald’s, T-Mobile, Coca-Cola and GE. Many of these projects contain confidential and proprietary information, so I am unable to post the final presentations publicly. I can provide client references. Please contact me to find out more.
Data Visualization
Presenting business data/statistics to a customer/B2B audience requires thinking about infographics in a different way. A brand's or business’s interest is in selling product(s) and increasing revenues. To achieve this, the vehicle required tweaking to achieve the desired results. I’d say “Brand Data Story” might be a more accurate moniker for many of my project examples. Data is used to shape a story that sells a product or tells a brand message, ending in a call-to-action resulting in (hopefully) a measurable response. A “Brand Data Story” makes for usable, branded web content.
So, bring me your tired presentations, your restless data yearning to breathe free. Whether you need help telling a data story, presenting quarterly sales results to a board of directors, offering a new sales tool, communicating the details of a new product launch, educating your customers through webinars, pitching new business, putting together a conference presentation—the list could go on and on—I’ll work with you to add some visual “umph” and tell a more compelling, engaging story. Let’s make something together!
Holly Pribble
Chief Coloring Officer
+1 312-342-2636